Mass cataract surgery is one of the social service activities that oftenly held.  This Mass Cataract Surgery was held at the Fastabiq Sehat PKU Muhammadiyah General Hospital in Pati from 29-30 October 2022. This activity was held by the Fastabiq Sehat General Hospital in collaboration with Perdami Central Java.  There were 23 patients who underwent surgery.  Participants who attended included teaching staff from the Cornea and Refractive Surgery sub-division namely dr.  Riskha Pangestika, Sp.M, an alumni of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, namely dr.  Dyah Mustika, Sp.M, members of Perdami Pati namely dr. Sri Wahyuni, Sp.M and dr.  Hapsari Budiastuti, Sp.M, several eye nurses and 12 residents of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Diponegoro.

This activity is very beneficial for the community and also for the parties involved in it, including residents.  This mass cataract surgery is not only a form of devotion, but also a good learning tool in the practice of cataract surgery under the supervision of an ophthalmologist who participates in this activity.  Several screenings were carried out on patients before the surgical procedure, such as intraocular pressure checks, visual checks, blood pressure checks, current blood sugar levels, and antigen swabs.  Patients who qualify for all the screening results are entitled to cataract surgery.  This social service activity has been going well and did not encounter many significant obstacles