Kegiatan Akreditasi LAM-PTKes

Kegiatan Akreditasi LAM-PTKes

Dengan penuh rasa syukur kami sampaikan bahwa program studi kami baru saja meraih predikat unggul pada akreditasi berdasarkan surat keputusan LAM-PTKES NO. 0208/LAM-PTKES/AKR/SPE/III/2023. Akreditasi ini berlangsung pada tanggal 14-16 Maret 2023 dilaksanakan di RSUP...
Sharing Sessions : Ophthalmology Community

Sharing Sessions : Ophthalmology Community

Community service is part of the Tri Dharma of higher education which in its implementation cannot be separated from the other two dharmas and involves all academic civitas: teaching staff, students, education staff and alumni. The Ophthalmology Study Program refers...